Cambo X-TREME 8 Days

Tour Overview

January is the best time for this adventure, its one of the cooler months, the rain season has recently departed, meaning the hard trails are achievable again. There are always some unexpected challenges, but experienced riders with a good attitude will thrive and enjoy. This is not ‘ROMANIACS’ level stuff, you are too remote with limited medical help nearby for that kind of stuff, but we do some long days, you will have covered a lot of miles, lots of different terrain and by tours end, you will be tired. And extremely satisfied.

Pre-tour accomodation supplied

Day 1

Leaving the bustle of Phnom Penh behind, first challenge… sandy trails. Stumps and Bumps so beware, as we near destination Kampot, rocky hill climbs and slippery decent through bamboo covered hillside. Ferry crossing gets us into delightful Kampot.

Day 2

Deeper sand trails gives way to the rocky stuff at bottom of Mount Bokor. The elephant trail is fun but unpredictable. High speed red dirt before arriving in beach resort town of Sihanoukville. Lets swim.

Day 3

Heading away from coast, buggy tracks cross through agricultural areas, bit of a handful if still muddy, mix again of sandy and black dirt single track. Pick up the old jungle trail to enter small village of Chipat.

Day 4

Destination border town of Koh Kong, easy afternoon but possibly quite difficult prior, true jungle trail for 6 hrs. Some sections a good flow, for others a bit of get off, push, duck, pull your way through. Can be a tough one.

Day 5

Up into the Cardoman Mountain ranges, easier now than years past, a good flow but bumpy and long sections. You are really in the heart of rural Cambodia. Cold beers taste great when we arrive at Pamou.

Day 6

Most of the difficult stuff is behind us, fun and flowing trail, single track and some village roads to get us to Kompong Chnang

Day 7

Dodgy boat crossing of the Tonle Sap and exit near Kompong Thom. From here its wild tractor and villager trails, some dirt road and finally a bit of bitumen to bring us into tonights fun venue, Kompong Cham.

Day 8

Super fun trails riverside, lots of cool villages and friendly locals, even though we are ripping through their corn fields and farm tracks.Some great forest trails finally give way to the sprawl north of Phnom Penh. Catch the big ferry across the Mekong river and we (thankfully) have just a short blast down riverside to our finishing hotel!